You Twist Things: Gaslighting #2

If you have ever dealt with gaslighting, then you know. But if you haven’t, here are some useful info graphics to help you understand what is happening to you. When someone does something and then blames you for doing it, that is projection. For example; perhaps they were meant to do something for someone and…

family pictures 2019

It is no secret I have a slight obsession with family pictures. I have made efforts to have some pictures taken of my crew, both together and individually, yearly or biyearly since the beginning of being a mom more than 13 years ago.I won’t tell you this time wasn’t different. It was very different.It felt…

simple methods in loving EVERYONE

The week we brought home one of our twins, a little organization called SMILE organized meals for our family. Six meals were delivered daily the first week Miss Magnolia was home from the NICU. Smile had been started by Esther, another local foster mom and she collected donations of clothes and baby equipment at her…

these high green hills

A book by that same title, a thought that goes through my mind when I’m driving around here. Tennessee is weird sometimes but so very, very pretty. Sometimes when I see it anew, in it’s summertime glory, it takes my breath away in that same way the ocean does. Sometimes it reminds me of all…


When Jesus said to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, house the poor he did not clarify who was excluded from such care. He simply listed the naked, the poor, the prisoner, and the hungry. He didn’t said they must be American. Or pure. Or ask about their criminal activities. Or if they had the…

Megan, you are loved

It’s been three years today. Three years since the machines were turned off and Megan’s time on earth was ended. People in general still aren’t clear on what happened to her, they still hear slightly off information and they ask from time to time. ‘I’m sorry to ask you this but what did happen.’ (It’s…

On the subject of Forgiveness

As expected, when you share a hard truth or act as a whistle-blower you’ll be villanized. To say I’ve accepted this is true. It’s also hard to accept sometimes. One of the first blow backs is always those who want to advise on forgiveness. So let’s get that one out of the way: Forgiveness and…

Digging into the Past, Emotional Abuse: Part Three

Originally posted on Long Days. Short Years.:
If I wasn’t naming this in a series, I would call this one something clever about dirty laundry. When my mother first cut me off, she uninvited me to Christmas events and did the regular silent treatment as emotional punishment thing. We even invited her to our home…