Sharing Your Story

Sharing our stories is scary. Allowing someone into your mind, your feelings, knowing others look to condemn those, is frightening. People in the story don’t like when we release the truth. They’ll say we are gossips, we are playing the victim, we are villains, we are immature, we like drama, we need attention. But sharing…

Digging Into the Past, Emotional Abuse: Part Two

Originally posted on Long Days. Short Years.:
There are many forms of abuse. Most forms widely accepted in our culture are those we can see. For longer than we care to think about, abuse of any kind was denied and we as a people turned a blind eye to it. It was a mans choice…

Inner Voice

Written July 2, 2019 I’ve written a few times about how our inner voices are naturally based on our experiences, specifically influenced by those in authority to us: our parents. In this vein, I’ve reminded us as parents that we are IN our kids childhood RIGHT NOW and who we are now is who we…

Re|learn Truth

It’s funny because sometimes you relearn a lesson you thought you knew, and you’re sure you’ve been trying to teach it to everyone else only to learn it was you that wasn’t getting it.  This season of life has been so bittersweet: losses and gains have swirled together in such a strange way it’s hard…

Sweet Meg

Megan loved Lifetime movies. I mean, we would watch them and discuss them 10 times. She literally lived off of coffee. So. Much. Coffee. She loved to eat cheesy bread and pizza. She loved the ranch dressing at Chef’s- and drinking Vanilla Coke. Jersey Mike’s was the way to her heart. She loved rocking babies,…

The Second Cup of Coffee

I sit here in the morning hours, my bible open on my lap. My kids, in their pajamas and costumes, playing picnic in a bed tent with plastic food. My dog laying beside me, full. Content. My house is warm as I snuggle under this quilt made by my hands and drink my first cup…

You make all things new….even me.

There was a time, not oh-so long ago that I didn’t know what gossip really was. I was taught that gossip meant talking about something that wasn’t true. Just talking about people was a part of my family of origin’s every interaction. That wasn’t gossip, that’s just what you do. This is what we were…

Be Still.

There has been so much warring in my mind these days. That I’m forced to relive the worst days amongst lies and more hideous lies is the ultimate blow. But I pray for peace and the Lord provides. Moments at a time, as I trust Him. He who knows the truth far more than even…

a tiny creature in a vast world

When first you know you are a tiny creature in a vast world. For me, it was the ocean. I never don’t feel THAT way when I stand by the ocean. I am a tiny creature in a vast world. Can you stand before the ocean and not wonder at the creation and Creator? The…

Get. A. Life.

I probably should make a rule about blogging when I’m this frustrated at humans. But tonight I just don’t care, darn it. I am in a twilight zone today: My Facebook is alite with posts that say gays shouldn’t be allowed a place at a table in restaurants of Christians…that obese women are all so…